Since 2017, more people have moved from the west to the east for the first time*. In addition to the improved labor market situation, withdrawal into social networks such as family and friends also plays a role. Reasons that also gave family Schäfer Junior and Senior the impetus to return to the “Wachstumsregion Dresden”.
Coming from Pulsnitz, the Schäfer family moved to North Rhine-Westphalia in the mid-1990s. There, René and Yasemin met and fell in love in fifth grade, 14 years ago. The two became parents for the first time two years ago, and since then there has been a desire to give Leon, the little whirlwind, a childhood in a rural idyll. Yasemin comes from North Rhine-Westphalia, but when the happy nature talks about her new home and growing up her child in it, her eyes begin to shine.
A cross-generational decision
Through René, Yasemin has always commuted to the “Wachstumsregion Dresden” and got to know his whole family. The woman from Düsseldorf liked the country and its people and the desire for a change became loud. In 2016, the first concrete idea to move to the Saxon region came up, a year later Leon saw the light of day and the idea was put at the back. The risk of leaving steady and well-paid jobs and plunging into an unknown adventure seemed too high.
“René's parents said 20 years ago that they would like to move back here sometime” Yasemin said. This plan was finally realized in the summer of 2019 with the move to Kamenz and suddenly the idea put on hold, was present again. A possible move should be well thought out and a pro-contra list was needed.
“There was nothing to speak against the move.”
Little Leon was always in the foreground of the considerations. “It is important to us, that the little one has everyone in one place: grandma, grandpa, cousins, etc.” The central point of consideration was therefore the family network, which was now 700 km away. The longing for the rural idyll also played a role. “Everything is blocked up in the Ruhr Area, it is hectic and noisy, and I want my child to be able to go out a lot and pick cherries from the tree without reaching straight into a strangers garden.” The desire for the own four walls also changes over time grew and so the comparatively cheaper land and property prices in the country found their way into the considerations. Then, at the latest, it was clear to the young family: now or never! And the idea became a tangible decision – “and then everything went really quickly.”